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3 Benefits of a UTM

    A UTM is a unique network security solution that combines several products into one managed and comprehensive console.  

    By supplying a comprehensive suite of security measures in one package, a UTM drops compatibility issues and builds threat intelligence on every layer of your IT security.  

    Because the capabilities of multiple specialized programs are contained in one appliance, your company’s cybersecurity system’s complexity is reduced. Further, having one cybersecurity system also reduces the amount of training that employees need to receive, allowing for easy management in the future.  

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    Protection from Multiple Threats

    A UTM helps to protect your network against combined threats. These threats consist of diverse types of malware and cyber-attacks that target individual parts of your network simultaneously.  

    When using separate appliances to prevent these combined attacks can be difficult, because each appliance must be managed individually to remain up to date with the ever-changing security threats. Because it is a single point of defense, a UTM makes dealing with combined threats easier. 

    Future-Ready and Flexible

    A UTM delivers a flexible, future‐ready, powerful security solution to meet the challenges of today’s networking environments. 

    UTMs are designed around versatile technologies that will remain valuable for years into the future, keeping pace with ever-increasing network performance requirements. A UTM also provide better awareness and control of security issues and potential problems related to network traffic, user behavior, and application content. 

    A UTM can deploy multiple technologies to meet the unique and changing needs of modern organizations and an evolving threat landscape. Real‐time updates ensure the technologies, policies, and other security measures are always current. 

    All-in-One Platform

    A UTM system is a broad‐based network security platform that represents the next stage of evolution for traditional firewalls.  

    Within a UTM, a variety of hardware and software elements are used to protect your network, including firewalls, IPSs, application control, web filtering, antimalware, and antispam software. 

    A UTM is administered from a single interface as a collective system, saving network administrators and engineers from installing, configuring, and maintaining multiple security devices, and from trying to make dissimilar platforms all work in unison to protect their network infrastructure. Because all protective functionality resides within one device and management interface, all its protective methods are integrated and better able to provide full coverage.