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6 Signs You Need to Switch Managed Service Providers

    Typically, we focus more on the positive aspects you should seek out in an IT provider, however, this is only half of the equation. There are also a lot of signs that a provider is not meeting the standards you should expect. Let us take a few moments to identify some of those signs, and what your next steps should be.

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    Every Support Call Costs You Money

    If you are calling for support for your IT, you are already losing money in the form of lost productivity—not to mention the cost that resolving the issue. Now, add that up for each time something goes wrong, that is not going to be your best option, especially if your business is hit by multiple issues in a row. With proactive support and maintenance for all your systems, we can detect issues early and work to alleviate them before they get out of hand.

    They Refuse to Work With Your Technology Vendors

    Let us break this one down for a moment. Wouldn’t you think that considering that the purpose of an IT service provider is to assist a business in managing their technology, the provider would want to work with the vendors supplying this technology to ensure that their clients got the best available option at the most ideal rates? 

    That is what we think, too, so we work with a wide variety of providers to ensure that your needs are met as effectively as possible.

    Cybersecurity is an Afterthought

    This one is just a mistake and signing on with a provider that treats cybersecurity in this way is as well. Without the prerequisite security solutions, your business will be a sitting duck for an incoming threat.  

    You deserve an IT resource and provider who puts your business’ cybersecurity first. KT Connections is that kind of provider.

    They Seem More Focused on Selling Computers Than Solving Real Business Problems

    The purpose of an IT provider is to deliver benefits to its clients, which includes identifying the various issues that are holding the business back and tackling the underlying causes that create them. So, if the provider you are working with instead pushes you to simply buy, buy, buy what is described as “bigger and better,” they are not providing you with very much, are they? 

    You always want to seek out an IT resource that seeks out the best and most efficient way to operate, identifying the problems that you are experiencing and applying a solution that fits them.

    You Don't Remember the Last QBR (Quarterly Business Review) You Had

    A QBR—a quarterly business review—is a critically important part of any IT service, as it gives you an up-to-date perspective of what is working and what is not. This knowledge is crucial to a business’s continued success, particularly when it comes to service-based businesses. 

    Now, it is important to recognize the “Q” in “QBR” … while they do not have to be held every three months, they do need to happen with some regularity. If your provider does not prioritize these meetings, you will not receive what you should be.

    They Aren't Aligned with Your Business Goals

    Finally, we come to what is in some ways the biggest red flag when it comes to an IT provider: if their focus is different than yours. It will become exponentially more difficult for you to see your technology as a tool if it is not crafted to match your expectations.  

    In short, if an IT provider is not providing what you need to meet your organization’s priorities, they are not really serving as a provider. If you work with us, we are committed to doing just that. We will be there to elevate your business in any way we can.