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A&B Welding Supply

    Client Profile

    Founded in 1959, A&B Welding Supply is a full-line welding distributor that provides industrial, medical, and specialty gas; welding machines; industrial tools and accessories; filler metal, and safety equipment to thousands of customers. Their blend of machines, hard goods, gasses, on-site manufactured dry ice, and welder repair services are unique to their business and are designed to keep their customers productive. 

    A&B Welding Supply is a customer-focused, family-owned and operated business. They are extremely responsive and knowledgeable, offering their services to thousands of satisfied customers. They continue to push the limits in their industry by discovering new technologies and processes for success. They proudly work with hundreds of small agricultural customers along with some of the local medical community to provide the best services and equipment for their industries.

    The Problem

    Over the past 10+ years, the community surrounding A&B Welding Supply has been unfortunately deteriorating into a less safe neighborhood, plagued by an influx of various crimes. The crimes that were affecting A&B Welding Supply were breaking and entering along with theft and robbery. Their location houses thousands of dollars worth of equipment, along with sensitive materials, so having these break-ins and robberies was harming the business and the service they could provide to their customers. 

    With their current security system, A&B Welding Supply often would not have any recourse for the crimes happening since identifying the culprit(s) was next to impossible and “the police couldn’t really do anything about it unless they caught the thief in the act” according to Terran Bergdale, who is in charge of Quality Control and Technical Sales. Their system was plagued with poor image quality, instances of crashing, and just overall poor performance. Desperate to find an affordable solution that fit all their needs, they began researching new security systems and discovered Verkada offered something that might be exactly what they were looking for. A&B Welding Supply then discovered that a local IT solutions company, KT Connections, is a supplier of the Verkada system they were interested in to keep their property safe.

    Why They Chose KT Connections

    A&B Welding Supply’s decision to hire KT Connections started with the technology of the Verkata System. Since KT Connections is a reputable and local dealer, choosing them was a no-brainer for them. A&B Welding Supply was fortunate that KT Connections not only sold the systems, but also would be able to install, configure, and assist with future Verkada needs.

    The Solution

    When A&B Welding Supply reached out, they were connected with Loren Kasuske, one of the Project Managers for KT Connections. Loren was able to figure out the challenges A & B Welding Supply was having and help them design the perfect Verkada system utilizing the Verkada System to fit their needs. Once the plans were finalized, they were able to hit the ground running and quickly and efficiently get the new system installed and configured. 

    A&B Welding Supply felt that KT Connections were quick in their replies and knowledgeable in everything they needed help with. They felt the team from KT Connections thoroughly explained everything and the technicians were easy to work with creating a successful system.

    The Results

    Since installing the Verkada security system with KT Connections, A&B Welding Supply has seen a significant decrease in after-hours activity on the property and has not had a successful break-in yet. They have also been able to positively deter people from even getting close to breaking into their facility with the Verkada monitoring system. 

    A&B Welding Supply has been notified a few times through the system about people being on the property, and feel this has contributed to preventing thefts. While getting phone calls from the alert system at inconvenient hours is not anyone’s favorite, they are grateful the Verkada security system works so well to keep their property safe. They are happy not only with the system itself, but also with the support they receive from KT Connections. For instance, a camera was not positioned to the best of its ability. After notifying KT Connections, they came right out to A&B Welding Supply and reconciled the issue.

    I really enjoyed working with their service technicians. They did a really good job and I thought they were thorough... my only recommendation is to get more Verkada products out there.

    If you and/or your business is suffering from security issues, digital crimes, or anything else related to IT, reach out to a member of the KT Connections sales team. We can not only bring you the same results as A&B Welding Supply but we can also provide you with a plethora of other solutions to a variety of issues. Visit and fill out our sales form and a member of our team will be in contact with you as soon as possible. | 888-891-4201