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An Introduction to Cybersecurity

    What Is Cybersecurity? Cybersecurity is the method businesses use to safeguard their data against theft, breaches, or other threats by cybercriminals and user error, leveraging a wide variety of solutions and best practices.

    As ransomware attacks, targeted phishing attacks, and data breaches continue to upset businesses around the world, the need for cybersecurity continues to grow. 

    Table of Contents

    Why You Need Cybersecurity

    You may believe SMBs like you are less likely to be targeted, however, the truth is that cybercriminals target SMBs exclusively because they have fewer protections in place. Whether you are a personal or professional user, a business – large or small, you should do something to mitigate the risk. 

    Businesses are concerned that their security protocols may not be comprehensive enough to protect them.  If you’re unsure whether you have the proper cybersecurity protections in place, here are some tactics you should consider investing in to raise your cyber defenses. 

    The question is: what exactly should a business owner do to protect their data and reputation? Consider how much of your daily operations rely on technology!

    The Cost of a Cyberattack

    The potential for financial loss from cyberattacks cannot be overstated, with many businesses that have fallen victim to them having to close their doors for good. Aside from financial loss are several other issues that can begin to surface.

    When a customer or client had their data stolen, the data that they entrusted you to protect, can bring a lot of trouble. After all, how would you respond if a business you entrusted your data to had betrayed that trust and neglected to protect it? Probably not all that well, and the same goes for anyone whose data you possess. They would feel the same if you failed to protect their data. 

    Allowing a cybersecurity breach to happen, either through neglect, negligence, or lack of knowledge, could leave you dealing with the following: 

    • Distraught clients and customers 
    • Severe reputation damage 
    • Regulatory repercussion 
    • Financial impact
    • Possible Litigation 

    Obviously, none of these outcomes are good for your business and its continued success and should therefore be avoided at all costs. The lack of adequate cybersecurity protocols in place has been a major issue for SMBs and organizations over the past few years and unfortunately will continue until more severe negative consequences take place. Cybersecurity will only grow in importance for the foreseeable future.

    How Cybersecurity Works

    Effective cybersecurity requires more than an inexpensive firewall and the consumer-based anti-virus software that came with your computer. Protecting confidential and proprietary information demands more extensive solutions. 

    For the best effectiveness, you should take multiple steps to create a series of barriers to prevent cybercriminals from accessing your network. Just like a burglar, cybercriminals look for easy targets (like people that leave their doors unlocked). The more difficult it is to access your information, the more likely the cybercriminals will move on. 

    Our Cybersecurity Protocols

    Effectively fighting cybersecurity attacks takes a combination of the right practices, technical safeguards, and training. We offer a multitude of cybersecurity services to protect sensitive information, secure accounts, and educate staff. These include:

    •     Extended Detection & Response
    •     Unified Threat Management Firewall
    •     Email & Collaboration Security 
    •     Application, Storage, and Ringfencing Control 
    •     Mobile Device Management 
    •     24/7 Managed Detection & Response 
    •     Password Management 
    •     Industry Compliance Management (HIPAA, HITECH, SOX, PCI-DSS, etc.) 
    •     Vulnerability Scanning 
    •     Software Updates 
    •     Cybersecurity Awareness Training 
    •     & More