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Black Hills Regional Eye Institute

    Client Profile

    The Black Hills Regional Eye Institute provides comprehensive eye care to residents of Western South Dakota and the surrounding areas. The Eye Institute offers many specialized eye services including laser eye surgery, corneal procedures, and pediatric eye care. 

    The Problem

    Since their substantial growth, the Eye Institute has come to depend on an advanced IT infrastructure, robust networking capabilities, and dynamic new technologies. These solutions that allow the Eye Institute to provide the best care possible also require a good amount of upkeep. Central to the Eye Institute’s issues was the inefficient use of their current systems in place.

    Downtime is simply not an option for the Eye Institute. As a result, they required a constant and thorough IT management. The Institute’s technology includes three physical servers, 15 virtual servers, and over 175 workstations. Further, The Eye Institute also needs to maintain compliant with health industry regulations such as HIPAA and HITECH, which necessitates careful auditing.

    The Solution

    KT Connections ran a network assessment for the Eye Institute and put together a management plan suited to their needs. The plan provided the Eye Institute with proactive IT support which included monitoring and maintenance to reduce system downtime.

    Almost immediately, the organization’s pressing technology issues began to clear up. This was accomplished by making the network more efficient and giving the Eye Institute’s staff access to the expert-level support that they required.

    Since I deal with KT Connections daily, I’m on a first name basis with almost everyone over there, and they are great at understanding that some issues are more urgent than others. One major breach could affect us seriously, so keeping the network secure is very important to us. KT Connections has done a great job keeping us in compliance with the current privacy and security regulations. They are very educated and proactive in that area and have been a big help in making sure that we remain compliant.