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Cybersecurity Trends for 2024

    Every year, we are introduced to new tech devices designed to make our lives easier. Whether it be a smart TV or smart refrigerator that integrates with our smartphone, all of our devices are becoming more interconnected. When you add artificial intelligence (AI) into the mix, this situation presents new challenges for cybersecurity professionals. Technology that is designed to make our lives easier can also be used for nefarious purposes. While companies design A.I. to make our work lives more productive, other individuals and organizations are using artificial intelligence to hack these systems for their gain. In 2024, several key trends are shaping the cybersecurity landscape, demanding vigilant attention and proactive measures. We will delve into the top ten cyber security trends for 2024, offering insights and real-time examples to highlight the gravity of these issues.

    1. Infiltrating the Internet of Things

    The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the rollout of 5G networks have created a vast attack surface for cybercriminals. In 2024, we can anticipate a surge in attacks targeting these interconnected systems, aiming to exploit vulnerabilities for various malicious purposes. For example, in 2017, the FDA confirmed that St. Jude Medical’s implantable cardiac devices have vulnerabilities that could allow a hacker to access a device. Devices like pacemakers and defibrillators could have their battery depleted or administer incorrect pacing or shocks. In response, Abbott Laboratories has worked with the FDA and DHA to issue firmware updates to improve the security of their devices. Whether it be medical devices or your smart toothbrush, anything connected to the internet is theoretically susceptible to a cyber attack. 

    2. State-Sponsored Cyber Attacks

    State-sponsored cyber attacks continue to be a significant concern, with recent geopolitical tensions fueling an arms race in the digital realm. The infamous 2010 Stuxnet virus, attributed to state-sponsored efforts against Iran’s nuclear program, serves as a stark reminder of the potential impact of cyber warfare. 

    Here in the United States, experts have raised concerns that our nation’s power grid is highly susceptible to cyber-attacks and physical attacks on electrical infrastructure. Whether these attacks come from lone wolves or state-sponsored actors, is irrelevant. In 2023, Maryland’s top utility regulator was purportedly blindsided when he saw the news headline that two suspects had been charged with plotting to take down Baltimore’s power grid. The disastrous effect it would have on any country’s electrical infrastructure is undeniable. 

    3. Rise of Automotive Hacking

    As vehicles become more connected and autonomous, the automotive industry has become a prime target for cyber attacks. From 2021 to 2022, Israeli firm Upstream Security saw a 380% increase in automotive hacking incidents, ranging from unauthorized access to vehicle control systems to data breaches in connected cars. This problem will surely increase as government regulators mandate more reliance on electronic vehicles that are interconnected with various communication networks. 

    4. Artificial Intelligence

    The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in cyber attacks poses a dual threat—malicious use of AI for attacks and the need for advanced AI-powered defense mechanisms. In 2024, AI-driven attacks are expected to become more sophisticated and harder to detect. For example, AI-powered phishing attacks, which dynamically adapt to user behavior, have been on the rise, making traditional cybersecurity measures less effective.

    5. Deepfakes

    Deepfakes, powered by advanced machine learning algorithms, continue to be a growing concern in 2024. These manipulated videos can deceive individuals and organizations, leading to reputational damage and misinformation campaigns. The world has yet to see Deepfake’s “watershed moment,” where a Deepfake video or audio has a significant impact on the news cycle and the world. Consider, for example, a scenario where a political leader says something publicly that has drastic implications for the rest of the world, which could lead to political and real-world violence. 

    Deepfake cyber attacks do not have to necessarily be used as a viral campaign, either. A bad actor could use deepfake technology to access a voice-activated security system or to confuse a loved one into sending money.

    6. Targeted Ransomware

    Ransomware attacks are evolving from indiscriminate campaigns to highly targeted assaults on specific organizations. Cybercriminals are increasingly leveraging advanced tactics to maximize their chances of success and extract larger ransom payments. The recent March 2023 attack on Ferrari’s customer database by hackers who then demanded a ransom is one of the latest ransomware attacks on a high-profile corporation. 

    7. Insider Threats

    Insider threats, whether intentional or accidental, remain a persistent concern for organizations. Insider threats typically come from nefarious actors, such as employees who are looking to steal company information or client information. For larger companies, this threat increases as many bad actors will pay big money to steal valuable corporate information. Or, an insider threat could be an employee who doesn’t follow best practices for safeguarding company information, such as repetitive password usage, leaving a computer unattended, or clicking malicious hyperlinks in their email. Companies should maintain their focus on detecting and mitigating insider threats by having strong hiring practices, advanced monitoring and behavior analysis, and continued threat training. 

    8. Remote Working Cybersecurity

    With the widespread adoption of remote work, the attack surface has expanded, requiring organizations to enhance their remote working cybersecurity measures. Endpoint security, secure access protocols, and employee training will be critical components in 2024.

    9. Social Engineering Attacks

    Social engineering attacks continue to be a prevalent threat, exploiting human psychology to gain unauthorized access or extract sensitive information. In 2024, we anticipate an increase in sophisticated social engineering tactics. Without a doubt, artificial intelligence could be a useful tool in planning these types of attacks. 

    10. Attacks on Cloud Networks

    As organizations increasingly migrate their infrastructure to the cloud, cybercriminals are following suit. Attacks on cloud networks are expected to rise in 2024, with a focus on exploiting misconfigurations and weaknesses in cloud security measures.

    Shore up your cyber security defenses with KT Connections

    The cyber security landscape in 2024 is marked by an array of sophisticated threats that demand a proactive and adaptive approach. Organizations and individuals alike must stay informed, implement best practices, and leverage advanced technologies to safeguard against these evolving cyber threats. In the face of ever-evolving cyber threats, securing your business is paramount, and KT Connections stands as a steadfast ally in fortifying your digital defenses. 

    With a proven track record in cybersecurity, KT Connections offers comprehensive solutions tailored to the unique challenges of the current era. Our expert team specializes in safeguarding businesses against emerging threats. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies and a proactive approach, we provide robust defenses against hackers and those looking to harm your business. Partner with KT Connections today, so that you can ensure that your organization remains resilient in the face of evolving threats, allowing you to focus on your core operations with confidence.

    To learn more about how our Cyber Security experts can help your business from an online attack, contact our sales team today!