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IT Infrastructure Updates: Refreshing Your Systems

    Technology changes at a rapid pace. These days it can be difficult for businesses to keep up and maintain the adequate infrastructure needed to remain competitive. 

    An infrastructure refresh can be a costly endeavor, but if done right can be an effective asset for business success. When a business owner begins the process of considering a new IT infrastructure solution, there are several considerations to make.

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    Why Update Your Infrastructure?

    If you are planning for a change in IT infrastructure, it’s important that the changes you implement are set up properly according to your business objectives. 

    An upgrade in IT infrastructure is different dependent on the business or industry in question. Before deciding, make the proper estimation of your budget and have a thorough understanding of what specifications your operations require.

    The Infrastructure Refresh Process

    An infrastructure refresh involves a review of your current business technology (hardware, software, and other) to see how your complete system is functioning and if there are any cost effectiveness updates that can be made to improve it. 

    There are a lot of moving pieces involved in the infrastructure refresh process. Before any new technology is implemented, its recommended that your business receives a full site survey to review and assess what exactly needs updating to ensure the most reliable results. 

    Some of the processes involved in the site survey include a review of your server, storage, network security, wireless, IT cabling, and more.

    Planning for Your Infrastructure Refresh

    Your IT infrastructure refresh plan should be based on the long-term vision of your business. Setting goals for your IT infrastructure refresh are important in that they will ensure that your actions for moving forward are properly defined. 

    If you don’t first make a proper plan, you could end up wasting money. For this reason, you want to identify the problem areas (meaning any technology component that may be preventing your overall success).

    Some problem areas include:

    • Performance Issues
    • Unsupported Updates
    • Gaps in Cybersecurity

    Establishing performance standards, a clear direction for success, and an IT-specifically allocated budget are all benefits that will result from implementing an IT infrastructure refresh.

    How We Can Help with Your Infrastructure Refresh

    An IT infrastructure refresh can seem like a daunting task, but with the right partner, much of the associated stress and resulting setbacks can be avoided. We have a full team of experienced technicians ready to assist you in this project or any others that arise in the future.