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Highmark Erectors, Inc.


    Highmark Erectors, Inc. is a leader in the electrical distribution industry with their headquarters located in Piedmont, SD. Highmark Erectors focus on the construction of high-voltage, extra high-voltage substations, switching stations, distribution stations and interconnect stations throughout the upper Midwest. Highmark Erectors initially contacted KT Connections with a server issue and has been working with KT Connections ever since. KT Connections now serves as their main IT department, handling nearly every IT issue that may arise. 

    The Story Of Highmark Erectors, Inc.

    Highmark Erectors was founded in 2014 with the goal of ensuring electricity is available to everyone in a safe and efficient manner. They specialize in both high voltage transmission and distribution substations with a focus on their relationships with owners. 

    As an established leader in the industry, Highmark Erectors works with a variety of customers primarily in the utility and government sectors to provide electrical substation solutions. They are a mid-sized company that holds themselves to a very high standard when it comes to safety, craftsmanship and work ethic. Their in-depth knowledge of electricity combined with the right tools and proper training keeps Highmark Erectors safe, efficient and ahead of their competition. 

    The Problem of a Server Crash

    The team at Highmark Erectors, Inc. learned that their server had a backup crash which was a big issue given the high-security work they do. Working with government entities and creating sensitive data requires a certain level of security in which their server had failed them. They were in desperate need to get their server back-up system up and running. At the same time of the back-up issue the team also realized that they were not properly set up for IT solutions and needed help. 

    Why KT Connections?

    Luckily for Highmark Erectors, they had just hired a gentleman who was familiar with KT Connections prior to the back-up crash and recommended KT Connections to solve their IT issues. The team at Highmark Erectors had never heard of KT Connections before but they believed in their new employee when he said KT Connections would be the solution to all their problems. They immediately contacted KT Connections in which a member from KT came out to Highmark Erectors ASAP to discover any and all issues and develop a plan.

    How KT Connections Responded

    KT Connections quickly got their back-up system back up and running with an upgraded system to ensure a failure would not likely happen. After the back-up issue was resolved, the team quickly moved to create and establish a Firewall, a VPN system for remote work and an accounting solution. During KT’s work, Highmark Erectors realized they needed more than just a few solutions and opted to utilize KT Connections’ Managed IT Services. 

    During the 3 month project Jamie and Zac worked hand in hand with the Highmark Erectors team to ensure that all needs were met. The Highmark Erector team felt that overall the project went really smoothly primarily due to the punctuality and communication skills of KT Connections. They felt that the constant communications and updates helped them understand that progress is being made and that they were still a priority. 

    The Results

    Highmark Erectors is now a full Managed IT Service member taking advantage of all the services KT Connections provides. Whenever an IT issue arises they can confidently call KT Connections and know that the issue, no matter what, will be resolved. They now rely on KT Connections to uphold their remote workstyle, ensuring that all data and information is secured, team members are able to effectively communicate, and to set them up for success in all things IT.

    If anybody questioned it [KT Connections abilities], they need to call KT Connections and see for themselves.

    Contact Us Today

    If you or someone you know is interested in updating their IT Infrastructure and would like to see the benefits Highmark Erectors, Inc. has seen, please reach out today! 

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